Monday, July 8, 2013



                                                                                        By: Dechamma B.C

“Guru brahma, Guru Vishnu….Guru devo maheswara….Guru saksthat Para brahma thashmay shri Guruve namah”… the way the symphony of words flow in the guru mantra….we can realize how powerful is the guru’s position in one’s life……the above mantra compare’s guru to Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara (3 supreme powers according to Hindu mythology who represent the embodiment of creation of the world, preservation of the world and destruction of evil respectively)..And also it says adherence to guru would bring bliss and enlightenment to an individual….such is the place of a “Guru”….

The first guru of any individual is the “Mother”. We being in modern era tend to forget this universal truth and think we are great; we think that we are more knowledgeable than our mothers….but the truth is we aren’t …..we can never reach the mark and standards set by our mother’s…….just for a minute reflect upon varies things what our mother’s did for us….when we were very small around 9 months or so and were learning to walk … was our mothers who held our hand and guided us…when we fell and lost our interest in putting effort…they would pacify us and boost our self-confidence and taught us to walk……..similarly she taught us to speak….she not only created a unshakable base on which any size of edifice could be built, but also taught us etiquettes, discipline and moral values……if it was not for our mothers, I cannot imagine what would have become of us. A mother plays a very important role as a teacher than anyone else……because she is the one who plants the seed of life whose direction of growth depends on the nurturing done by the mother.

When the mother is convinced that her child has learnt the basic intellect necessities…..she sends her child under the wings of a guru……in ancient times…it was called Gurukul and in present day it is called school…but the motive of both the gurus of different era is the same….”make the children responsible and caring citizens”.in ancient times the guru’s were revered a lot and their orders were respected by their disciples till the last word…..and education imparted to them were not mere bookish knowledge but also spiritual knowledge and knowledge gained by experience of the guru…….and their education would not be completed until the guru said so….

Now with time the concept of Gurukul, Guru and disciples have changed drastically….like I said previously….it has changed to school, teacher and student…….no more a student has respect for the teacher…..and the teachers don’t teach spirituality or from their experiences any more….they just teach mere bookish knowledge… has changed a lot……as a result, lot of catastrophic events take place due to the reason that the children are not guided in the right path. Along with this, education has become a business in recent times….Nowadays people weigh education and fix a rate to impart one……just imagine if Maa Saraswathi(Goddess of knowledge) would do the same….what would we be left with……..

Not only this in personal life also we need guru… guru is a person who is the eldest in the family. We need a guru to guide us in our decisions and bring us on the right path when we go wayward and support us in all our endeavors.

 To conclude……I would like to pen that “A life without Guru, is like a ship without a beacon”.

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