Friday, June 6, 2014


HOPE ----Hold On Pain Ends…..
----Dechamma B.C

The whole world is sustained by HOPE.

As the saying goes…’If you take the advice of a human you will reach a hopeless ending, and if take the advice of God you will reach an endless hope’……. I think 'Hope' is overrated... ‘Ray’ of ‘hope’  is the minimum necessity to survive in any situation….a ‘hope’ that you will have a better tomorrow, a ‘hope’ that things will be fine tomorrow and so on…….It’s easy to say ‘Keep Hope’ than done…

I have seen lot of situations around me which seems totally hopeless and I feel particularly helpless  as I am not able to do anything about it….i sometimes feel I am living according to a Chinese curse … ‘May you live in interesting times’…..This means though you have everything in your life….still you cannot enjoy anything. 

But somewhere within me there is a feeble voice which constantly tells me to keep the ‘Hope’ alive.

The worst thing about hope is that it relentlessly makes you waits for an incredibly long time… tests your patience…..even after that if your lamp of faith and hope is still burning....then maybe things gets better. This is a hypothetical situation……personally haven’t experienced this getting better part… so got no say in it.

If you ask me about things getting better…I would say ‘Time’ is greater than ‘Hope’. Time does not wait for anyone….it moves on…Time gives us courage and teaches us to handle any situation by making us strong
and confident. In the case of Hope...if hope is shattered once it’s difficult to regain the lost hope. But in shorter sense hope is necessary which will make you stick on to your will to do things right.

A tribute to hope…
Hope is mesmerizing …
Hope is believing…
Hope is being alive…
Hope is faith…

Move on with life…with time becoming Hope.

Live with hope. Better days will surely follow.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Changing Times......

Changing Times……..
                                       ......Dechamma B C

First of all I am sorry for not writing any article so long………..i guess I had taken some time off(though not sure of my reason of absence : P)…….anyways now am back with more interesting stuffs.

Recently had been to Bangalore to meet few friends… had been quite a while since I had been to Bangalore (I stay in a very pristine environment which I don’t feel like leaving often: P: P) let’s come back to the story, so I had to leave to Bangalore on 10 Jan 2013 a Friday at around 5.45 am …as I was very excited about my travel …I could not sleep overnight. I got up (was already awake: P…was just lazing on my bed!!) at 4 a.m., finished my morning chores and got ready to go to the bus stop.

The previous night while the ladies in the house(me, mom and sis) were having a gala time watching our favorite shows aired on T.V….dad from somewhere in the house asked us to put on some news channel and check it out…but we were too busy for it and never bothered to check it out…(the big mistake!!..grrrrr..)
Coming back to my travel plans….my dad said that he would accompany me till the bus stop in my town. I was happy as I would get a lift J (thought I :P :P)…Likewise  me and dad left home around 5.30 dawn. While waiting for the bus we observed a strange thing….there were no other passengers waiting for any bus…I was a bit worried…but thought as it was a week day…there were chances that there might not be much people…there were some people strolling by as morning walk…Then came 5.45 am… sign of any bus…..

We waited till 6.00 am still no bus came on….the road was totally deserted….then like an oasis in the desert came a walker by who was well dressed but with a muffler and a woolen cap…dad went to him and asked as to what was the matter with no buses around…he said that there was a strike today from 6 am to 6 pm and this was aired on some news channel yesterday night and he strolled off..

When my dad conveyed this message to me I was embarrassed for not listening to him last night….had I ,I wouldn’t has lost my sleep  last night and would not have stressed my dad till my bus stop…I felt guilty in the first place and sad in the second as my travel plans were shattered.

But as the saying goes…’everything happens for good in life”…this missing of bus had a surprise for me in place. I and dad went back home and made my travel plans for the next day. Till then a cousin of mine who stays abroad and with whom I hadn’t spoken for a long time pinged me on my cell and asked me if I could come online on Skype…..i was delighted ,as I never expected this and was sad until then and was cursing my fate. I spoke to her for quite long time….and prepared a cake as baking is the biggest stress buster…and of course I love cooking: P: the day finally passed on.

With a new hope of travelling the next day, I went to at 4 in the morning I woke up again and then my dad dropped me at the bus stand at 5.30 in the morning. This time I was lucky to get a bus on time... (Not always unlucky anyways J:P).

As I was already late by a day, I had to hasten….i had to meet few friends…do all shopping…phew!!...quite a lot of things to do!! So I planned to meet a friend in the afternoon of the day I landed in Bangalore.

Likewise...i dressed myself for the occasion appropriate and set out for the meeting to the brigade road. This was place which I had been seeing from ages...those crowds….roads becoming smaller with vehicles filling in and a pedestrian walking on the on... this place was about a 20 min walk from my aunt’s place from the center of the city.

When I reached the brigade road, I realized that it was over-crowded as ever....But I could not eye my friend anywhere. I began calling her from my cell phone (a combo of blessing and a curse)….as there was problem with the network was not able to speak to her twice….the third time I could speak to her. She said that she was on her way to brigade’s, and she proposed that we have our lunch in KFC (Kentucky fried Chicken), as I was okay with that she asked me to wait in KFC restaurant.
When I reached KFC I learned that it would remain closed for 4 hours, due to cleaning. So I thought I would wait for my friend outside KFC as my friend didn’t have much idea on the other places to hang-out as she wasn’t a frequent visitor here.

As I was waiting here I came across a truth of present lifestyle. We have evolved so much that we have forgotten our roots….how we were…what kind of life we were much we respected food ,so on. While I was waiting outside KFC a group of youngsters came….probably College going guys... (I assumed it, as these guys had spikes and where wearing a sluggish jeans with drooping bag).the moment they came to KFC and got to know it would be open only after 4 hours… was evident from they face that they were totally lost……and didn’t know where to go next…(this is the condition of our youngsters)

Next came an IT employee…looked very tired …probably had a bad morning….he had come to KFC to have his lunch…when he got to know that it was closed….u had to see his facial expression!! : P: P…worth seeing it!!.......a sad puppy face J J….as if someone grabbed a piece of bone from the puppy J J
So on….many of them came and gave weird expressions which would take a long time to be defined. But 1 of them was worth mentioning. A girl probably a teenager along with her 2 friends approached the KFC door …on learning that KFC would be closed for 3 hours...she was taken aback and started her tantrums there. The watchmen was trying to pacify her by asking her to come back after 2.5 hours….but she was not heeding to any of them. Finally her friend convinced her and they left the venue only after threatening the watchmen to keep open KFC when she comes back in 2.5 hours.

Such is the condition of people in today’s world…this just brings 1 question to my mind …..

........Are we really independent?? Or is it just an exaggeration??

Anyways I met my friend and we had a great time.

But the question still remains…..