Friday, June 6, 2014


HOPE ----Hold On Pain Ends…..
----Dechamma B.C

The whole world is sustained by HOPE.

As the saying goes…’If you take the advice of a human you will reach a hopeless ending, and if take the advice of God you will reach an endless hope’……. I think 'Hope' is overrated... ‘Ray’ of ‘hope’  is the minimum necessity to survive in any situation….a ‘hope’ that you will have a better tomorrow, a ‘hope’ that things will be fine tomorrow and so on…….It’s easy to say ‘Keep Hope’ than done…

I have seen lot of situations around me which seems totally hopeless and I feel particularly helpless  as I am not able to do anything about it….i sometimes feel I am living according to a Chinese curse … ‘May you live in interesting times’…..This means though you have everything in your life….still you cannot enjoy anything. 

But somewhere within me there is a feeble voice which constantly tells me to keep the ‘Hope’ alive.

The worst thing about hope is that it relentlessly makes you waits for an incredibly long time… tests your patience…..even after that if your lamp of faith and hope is still burning....then maybe things gets better. This is a hypothetical situation……personally haven’t experienced this getting better part… so got no say in it.

If you ask me about things getting better…I would say ‘Time’ is greater than ‘Hope’. Time does not wait for anyone….it moves on…Time gives us courage and teaches us to handle any situation by making us strong
and confident. In the case of Hope...if hope is shattered once it’s difficult to regain the lost hope. But in shorter sense hope is necessary which will make you stick on to your will to do things right.

A tribute to hope…
Hope is mesmerizing …
Hope is believing…
Hope is being alive…
Hope is faith…

Move on with life…with time becoming Hope.

Live with hope. Better days will surely follow.