Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Thoughts……………………………….that never end……
                                                                                                       ------- Dechamma B.C
ith mild breeze tossing my hair and heavy thoughts heaving my head I cracked through my infinite slumber by the soothing sound of the alarm… a matter of fact soothing in the negative sense which is nothing better than a fire alarm. As soon as I got up my hands reached the day’s first routine gadget…..”The Chatter Box”….sorry!. It’s the way I call it…..It’s the cell phone. I saw that there was a message waiting for me to be read……….i was so fascinated by it ,as this was one of the very few times when I get to see a message in the early morning. With lots and lots of thoughts leafing through my mind, I opened the message; it read like this  

“I asked God y do v fall in a relationship with sum 1 wen v know that it will end after sometime. God told me I ll ans u but 1s tell me y u live when u know dat u have 2 die 1 day “
This was like adding flare to fire….my thoughts just went extravagant .This message made me realize lot of things.
The first question which rose in my mind was why do we fall for that ‘special one’ only, though we meet a thousand and odd people in the journey called life?
Secondly, the metaphor in the sentence was very fascinating, which compares the end of the relationship to end of life.
By reading this message one thing was very clear; the whole world is sustained by Hope and Faith only. A Hope which says tomorrow will be better than today and a Faith that tomorrow will surely come.
With this huge amalgam of thoughts hording my brains, I set out to office by boarding a bus. I reached the gate of my office building, after which I had to take a stroll to reach my office. On the way one more though engulfed me, it was the realization which said that…. ‘The eyes see what the mind wants it to see’. It so happened that while I was walking towards my office, I observed for the first time ever that there were no plants on the left side of the thoroughfare, though I had walked the same path over a million times.
I reached the office….. Seriously speaking it was another bugging day of my life……….nobody around me to nag with…and was feeling lonely and bored, so decided to browse to squander time. As I was surfing different sites, I came across a site which had Quotes of famous people. The one which interested me the most was the quote by Albert Einstein in which he says “I would like to thank all people who refused to help me, if it was not for them I wouldn’t have done it myself”
I found this Quote to be a very inspirational one as it represents the individuality of a person and it also paves way for being independent.
With all these thoughts debating in my mind and trying to gain superiority over each other, the day went along in a very thoughtful mode….it was more like a transition mode ….to be more specific it was a transition from “Machines to Meditation” as I like to put it.

It was indeed a marvelous thoughtful day.

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